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Am 14.05.2019 besuchte die Kulturscout-Klasse des Gymnasium Marianum, die 6a, zusammen mit ihren Lehrerinnen Imke Laumann und Alexandra Dittmeier das Museum für russlanddeutsche Kulturgeschichte in Detmold, um mehr über das Thema „Flucht“ zu erfahren. Neben einer Führung und einer Rallye durch das Museum, bemalten die Schülerinnen und Schüler Pappkoffer mit ihren Sehnsuchtszielen und überlegten, was sie auf die Flucht in dieses Land mitnehmen würden. Im Englischunterricht verfassten die Scouts anschließend Berichte über diesen spannenden Tag.

The 6a was surprised th hear the story of the Russo-Germans

For 120 years the German emigrants had lived peacefully in Russia, but then the war began and changed everything. That and a lot more we, the 6a, learned during our trip to the “museum of Russo-German culture” in Detmold on the 14th May 2019. The exciting trip was sponsored by the KulturScout organisation.

First, we had a really good guided tour through the exhibition. After that, we discovered more details about the history of the Russo-Germans on our own with the help of tablets. “That was really funny and interesting at the same time”, Leni S. said cheerfully. At the end, we decorated our own suitcase with pictures which showed where we would go if we had to flee. “The children were really surprised when they heard the story of the Russo-Germans. They all didn’t know that the Russo-Germans had such a disturbing history”, Mrs. Laumann, our class teacher, said to the leader of the museum.

If you want to know more about the history of the Russo-Germans, then you should definitely visit the museum in Detmold.

Schülerbeitrag von Fenja Seaman (Klasse 6a, Gymnasium Marianum)